When an employee requires an LPG gas connection for his or her home then the gas agency asks for a residential address proof letter. This letter will be given by employer of that employee. The employer gives this letter on their company letter head with proper attestation.
Here you can know how to write a residential address proof letter format for gas connection and you can download residential address proof letter in word format.
On residential address, proof letter format for gas connection employer has to write employee’s present address as per office records. And the reason for the purpose of this certificate has to be clearly mentioned on this certificate.
To Whomsoever It May Concern
This is to certify that Mr./Mrs. _______________(employee name), Employee Id ________ working as a ______________(designation of employee) in our organization since __________(date of joinining of employee). As per the employment records available with us his present address is D No: 13-5/6, Jail Road, Marripalem, Visakhapatnam, Andhrapradesh. (Address of employee)
This certificate is valid for the purpose of new LPG gas connection.
For The ____________,(company name)