College of Spirits Bard Handbook: DnD 5e Subclass Guide – RPGBOT

College of Spirits is a typical, casting-focused bard that adds some unpredictable spell-adjacent options via Tales From Beyond and access to expanded spell options using Spirit Session. Challenges in the core rules make some of the subclass less powerful than intended, but when things work as intended it’s a fun subclass with some cool ideas, though the unpredictability of Tales From Beyond can be frustrating.

The whole subclass is built around Tales From Beyond, which allows the Bard to generate a randomly-selected magical effect from a list. This provides a fun but unpredictable mechanic which can be either wildly effective or barely impactful depending on the situation and the Tale drawn. This unpredictability helps to balance some of the more powerful options which amount to save-or-suck effects at the cost of a Bardic Inspiration die.

Managing Tales From Beyond and Spirit Session introduces some new bookkeeping to the Bard, which was already a complex class to begin with. I don’t recommend this for new players or players who already find spellcasters to be a challenge, but veteran players comfortable with managing their character’s resources won’t find College of Spirits any more complex than playing a wizard.

Unfortunately, while there’s a lot to like about College of Spirits, its unpredictability makes it difficult to use to great effect, and Spiritual Focus (which is intended to make your core spellcasting effective enough to carry you when Tales From Beyond isn’t helping) is almost non-functional due to the Bard’s limited spell list and 5e’s rules on when you actually use a spellcasting focus. This appears to be due to the feature assuming that the bonus would apply more broadly, but the RAW rules for how focuses are used limit the spell’s benefits to a vanishingly small number of bard spells.

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