Subject leadership: how to develop and embed a vision

Find out how to write your subject vision and get tips on embedding it. See examples of vision statements and a case study from a secondary teaching school.

Last reviewed on 4 December 2023 School types: All • School phases: All • Ref: 1607
  1. Why have a subject vision?
  2. How to write your subject vision
  3. How to implement and embed your vision
  4. Link your subject vision to your subject action plan
  5. Secondary case study: how George Abbot School developed a new vision for English
  6. School examples

Why have a subject vision?

Individual subject visions are important because they feed into the broader whole-school curriculum intent. Your curriculum intent is something Ofsted will pay close attention to as part of the quality of education measure. Read more about how Ofsted inspects your curriculum in our article.

A good subject vision should:

How to write your subject vision

If you’re following the National Curriculum, use the ‘purpose of study’ for your subject as a starting point - for example, you'll find the purpose of study for English at the top of this page. If you don’t follow the National Curriculum, use any material you have that describes the purpose