Breast pump florida blue insurance

The Breast Pump Store is Here to Help!

Find Your No-Cost Breast Pump

Since 2012, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has required major insurance providers such as Blue Cross Blue Shield to offer very affordable options for expecting or nursing mothers when it comes to breast pumps, often at little to no cost. You can qualify for a new breast pump and supplies with plans including BCBS.

Blue Cross Blue Shield Covers Breast Pump Supplies

If you’re wondering if BCBS covers breast pump supplies , the answer is yes! You can coordinate your coverage with one of our professionals to ensure that you receive all of the parts needed to maintain a healthy supply for your little one, including:

FAQ — A Beginner’s Guide to Breast Pumping

As a new or expecting mother, you have enough to worry about besides how to use your new breast pumps. Breast pumps provide great value helping you maintain your milk supply for your baby and even produce a surplus as a safety net. Read on to get answers to common questions new or expectant mothers have about breast pumps!

Do I need breast pumps?

The all-natural way may have some appeals, but if you are spending time away from your baby (such as going back to work), breast pumps are an absolute necessity. Breast pumping can be beneficial in a number of different scenarios:

How long should you breastfeed your baby?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends breastfeeding exclusively for 6 months, and then breastfeeding while starting to introduce solid food for a least a year. Beyond that point, breastfeeding can continue for as long as mother and child choose.

What are the benefits of breastfeeding for the baby?

Breast milk gives babies the nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong. It is easier to digest than formula and helps build a strong bond between mother and child.

What are the benefits of breastfeeding for mothers?

Besides the obvious reasons, such as bonding with your baby and saving time and money on formula, breastfeeding also can help burn some extra calories, requiring around 500 calories a day as an activity. It also reduces oxytocin, a hormone that helps move milk into the breast while also playing a role in reducing uterine bleeding and returning the uterus to its normal size more quickly after giving birth.

How do breast pumps work?

Breast pumps imitate a nursing baby’s suckling pattern. Most electric breast pumps are built to have multiple different suckling patterns, which you can experiment with to see what is most comfortable and efficient for you.

The average baby sucks between 50 and 90 times per minute, slowing down after milk starts flowing. Electric breast pumps imitate this cycle of suction and release, collecting it in a storage container. Another key part of breast pumps are called “flanges”, which are funnel-shaped plastic with a tube in the middle that are placed on the nipples and areolas to create a seal and create pressure when sucking.

Does pumping breast milk hurt?

It shouldn’t hurt if you are doing it right. While the first few seconds may be a bit uncomfortable, as your nipples are stretched your milk starts to flow, once you get used to it, it should be a breeze. If you do happen to experience pain or soreness, consider doing the following:

How often should you pump?

There are a number of factors that come into play when determining how often you should pump. If you are going back to work right away, or might be away from your baby regularly for some other reason, pumping more will be necessary.

What breast pumps do you sell? How can The Breast Pump Store help?

The Breast Pump Store is a fourth-generation, family-owned medical supply store selling breast pumps at great prices, while also providing:

Getting your breast pumps through adds assurance that you are getting the best breast pump for your insurance or budget on top of proactive customer support. We can help you get qualified for free breast pumps through your insurance. Find out how!

How can you narrow down your search for the perfect breast pump?

Need help narrowing down your breast pump options? The Breast Pump Store is here to help. We can help you narrow down your options and find out if you qualify through your insurance for breast pumps. If you want a free breast pump and breast pump accessories through Medicaid, Blue Cross Blue Shield, or another type of insurance, contact us now to find out how to get qualified!